9-Day Full Body, Mind and Spirit Cleanse

Using the principles of Traditional Chinese medicine and modern science to detox the Liver during the Spring.

The transition from winter to spring is the ideal time for a gentle cleanse according to TCM. To support the body in releasing some of the winter sluggishness of our bodies and minds.

This will be a 9-day cleanse with dietary and herbal guidance as well as body care, meditations and movement to let go of some of what might be weighing you down from the past seasonal cycle. The cleanse includes a comprehensive guide that will walk you through each day from preparing your liver, cleansing and letting it all go.

You can do this cleanse anytime during the Spring season and seasons to come.

When you decide to start you will receive a daily email to help you through as well as a Facebook group for additional support.

Wondering if this cleanse is for you?

Check out this list of common symptoms around your liver health to see if a liver cleanse would support you.

  • Is there any stiffness, tightness, soreness in your right shoulder?

  • Are you irritable or stressed?

  • Do you have fuzzy or foggy vision?

  • Any headaches?

  • Are your eyes itchy, irritated, red, or dry?

  • Is your sleep restless and/or have insomnia?

  • Do you have dry, burning, irritated, cracked, flaky, or itchy skin issues?

  • Are you irritated by people, lack patience, and/or fed up with them?

  • Do you have any overwhelming moods or feelings?

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • A welcome message from Jessica

    • Video Tour & How to Use the Guide

    • How to Use this Guide

    • Email Program Sign Up

    • Facebook Group Sign Up

    • Comprehensive Guide -part 1

    • Comprehensive Guide - part 2

    • Comprehensive Guide - part 3

    • Comprehensive Guide - part 4

  • 2


    • Intro to the Cleanse

    • Setting Intentions

  • 3

    9-Day Cleanse

    • Supply List

    • 9-Day Calendar

    • Recipe List

    • Herbal Allies

  • 4

    Body Care

    • Body Care

  • 5

    Qi Gong & Meditations

    • Movement Overview

    • Qi Gong for Detoxifying the Liver

    • Qi Gong for Nourishment

    • Meditation Overview

    • Tree Meditation for transitioning into spring

    • Meditation for moving stagnant emotions

  • 6


    • Reflections & Notes

    • About Jessica

  • 7

    Bonus Workshop

    • Spring Workshop

What results can you expect?

Here's some possible shifts that this cleanse can offer you.

  • Decreased stress and physical tension

  • Clarity of mind

  • Deeper, more restful sleep

  • Improved digestion

  • Increased and consistent energy

  • Calmer and more peaceful mind

  • Reduction of premenstrual or menopause symptoms

  • Clearer, brighter skin

  • Regulated mood and emotions

What you might experience:

Body, Mind and Soul Thrived!


My body and digestion thrived during the cleanse! And no mood swings. I was generally in a good mood. I think cutting out social media helped a lot with this! I felt spacious mentally. I felt more loving toward everyone.

Your Guide


Jessica Golden

Jessica is an acupuncturist, certified clinical hypnotherapist and an embodiment coach specializing in the rites of passage of motherhood, illness, relationship changes and moments of change. She guides you to use the body has a navigation system so you can create a life that nourishes you, inside and out. She is passionate about connecting women to the well of inner strength and wisdom within themselves in order to restore balance to the world through women's leadership.