It's time to live life well-nourished.

For the woman who desires to feel deeply nourished in body, mind and spirit so that she is unshakably confident, joyful and fully connected to her inherent wisdom and radiance.

As women we're taught to look outside of ourselves for approval. That our bodies and our pleasure aren't to be trusted.

But the truth is that being a deeply nourished woman can only come when you are connected to your pleasure. When you learn the principles of the feminine and connect to your own body, suddenly you have access to your own empowered health & creative magic.

Because a healthy, embodied sensuality is a source of strength and power and a shamed, denied sensuality is a source of self-doubt and pain.

This course will peel away the layers of everything that keeps you trapped in disconnection from your pleasure while giving you tools to reconnect to the intelligence of your body, womb, intuition, and heart.

So you can claim your own unique power as a nourished woman.

An 10-week online course to connect you to your most sensual, nourished, alive self.

You are ready for this level of nourishment if...

Do some of these land for you? Don't worry, it's not a problem but nourishment & pleasure can support you to find a better way.

  • You feel like you have to do, do, do all the time and when you do give yourself a moment to rest, it's hard to actually relax.

  • You tend to prioritize other people's needs over your own. At the end the day, you're exhausted unable to peel yourself off the couch.

  • You're living a lot of your life from your head and the language of your body feels a bit foreign.

  • You have a hard time actually receiving compliments, gifts and pleasure from your partner and loved ones.

  • Your body (shoulders, jaw, chest or pelvic floor) tends to take on the tightness and pressure of trying to be the perfect mom, partner, daughter, professional, friend or lover.

  • You run all your decisions by your family and friends and still it’s hard to make a clear decision.

  • You’re realizing that control might be a little thing for you and it’s so hard to put down the feeling that you have to KNOW what’s going to happen next?

  • Sometimes your emotions come on like a storm and you feel lost in the overwhelm of what they want to tell you. You try and take space for them but it feels so uncomfortable.

  • It seems like others are just not hearing your needs and a feeling of irritation is growing towards some of the people you care about the most.

  • You feel like life is kinda going fine but you can’t access this spark of energy or creativity and you feel a bit lost.

There is a better way!

What nourishing yourself through pleasure provides you...

When we start to be in touch with our bodies, our truest expression, our pleasure and magic happens.

  • You feel more and more confident in your own skin.

  • You feel deeper intimacy in your relationships.

  • Your connection to your body grows, you know what it needs and you are experiencing increased, deeper pleasure.

  • You care for others from a place of love and inspiration, instead of obligation or sacrifice.

  • You feel a sense of being home within yourself while also experiencing a sense of freedom.

  • You feel a new depth of appreciation for yourself, your partner, your kids and your community.

  • You have tools to help you through any situation. And even when it’s hard, you trust you’ve got this.

  • You graciously recieve the gifts of love in your relationships and from the natural world.

  • Your creativity grows. You feel new ideas flowing in and feel the call to deeper self expression.

  • You start having fun with what used to make you feel vulnerable.

  • Practical & mystical applications for nutrition, body-care, energy flow & pleasure.

  • With philosophies & practices from Traditional Chinese medicine and Tantra.

  • Come to learn the true meaning of being well nourished.
    Your life will never be the same.

The Time is Now

There is no greater or more powerful way to feel nourished as a woman than by owning and embodying your sensuality.

The Path to Your Deepest Nourishment Yet

Each week we dive into a specific system and part of the body to unwind stuck patterns of harmful conditioning that create shame, embarrassment or mistrust in our bodies. To instead create healthy, nourished foundations that make way for more pleasure, joy and vitality.

Modules include bodycare, energy meditations and mindset practices to help you connect to your body's innate wisdom.

    When our system is in a state of dysregulation we aren't able to feel into pleasure because we're stuck in survival mode. We start by tuning into what helps you feel relaxed, calm and ready tor receive. Including bodycare and meditation practices to soothe your liver, the organ associated with your nervous system in TCM.

    Our spine is an energy highway, and is associated with yang or masculine energy. When we feel upright, supported and protected, our whole system can relax into receiving the gifts of the feminine.

    Our bellies are the softest, most vulnerable part of us and most women have been conditioned to suck in or hide their belly. Yet our bellies are huge sources of nourishment. This module gives you the tools to befriend your belly and to connect with how you nourish yourself through food with guidance from TCM dietary principles.

    The womb is the epicenter of feminine energy. Once you connect and hear the messages of the womb, there is no going back and why would you ever want to? This is where your sensual, erotic energy and your creativity and power lies. Our wombs often hold old stories, pain and other people's energy. Clearing the womb and reconnecting to it's wisdom is at the heart of pleasure.

    The practice of pleasure is in service to our beautiful, tender hearts. IN TCM, it is said that when the womb and heart are connected, there are deeper orgasms, enhanced fertility, and what we create has heart. When we protect our open, compassionate heart with clear boundaries and hear our heart's voice clearly, we can live with unconditional love for ourselves and others. Suddenly intimacy reaches levels of deep connection and mega-pleasure.

    When our mind is our ally, there is nothing we can't do. This module focuses on getting your mind onboard with your desires, so that you can tune into your intuition and the deeper wisdom of the body. When we understand our own unique minds, we can create healthy pathways to more pleasure. What does your intellect tell you about pleasure? What does your intuition tell you about your sensuality? This module focuses on mindset practices that create pleasure-affirming beliefs.

    The skin is our boundaries. The relationship that we have to our boundaries are the key to sustaining your nourishment and pleasure. When we care for our skin, hair, teeth and nails, we're caring for our boundaries. We allow detoxification to move out what no longer serves us, and increase circulation to invite in what serves us now. This module works with bodycare and beauty practices to increase your immune system and your energetic protection. Protecting your pleasure is what empowers and sustains your deepest nourishment.

    The throat is the anatomical mirror of the reproductive organs. The two are intrinsically linked. When we open up to deeper nourishment and pleasure, we also open our throats to speaking our deeper truth. Our creativity and our self expression sparks. This module focuses on practices to nourish the connection to our throat and our communication.


Deep Transformation

Jasmine G.

Jessica's Well Nourished Woman course helped me make big shifts in my life that I had wanted for years. I started setting more healthy boundaries, changed my relationship with food, started truly loving my body, and so much more, all while feeling held by Jessica and the incredible cohort of fellow nourished women. I highly recommend this course to all women in every phase of life. If you want to connect more deeply to yourself and start making the changes you deserve, the Well Nourished Woman course is definitely for you!!

Beauty Inside & Out

Hannah S.

I can honestly say that Jessica has improved all aspects of my life. What I appreciate the most about Jessica is the way she's able to effortlessly combine modalities to bring about truly lasting and meaningful change both on the inside and on the outside. Not only did we resolve my menopause-related symptoms, but we also tackled a number of other blockages that were causing a disconnect between the way I was living my life and the way I wanted to live my life. And thanks to her facial acupuncture, I look about ten years younger! I am so grateful to Jessica and everything she has done to help me be the person I want to be.

Life-Changing Safe Space

Kate S.

Jessica offered a safe and supportive space which allowed me to explore my obstacles and insecurities, lack of self-confidence, anxiety, procrastination habits, struggles with sexuality, and difficulty putting my needs first. I am so grateful that I said yes to this life-changing journey!

Ease to Live from the Heart

Meisha B.

Jessica has helped me drop into my body with great care and skill, allowing me to feel at ease and deeply trust my inner knowing. Before coming to Jessica, I was experiencing some lingering fear and doubts about myself. Working with Jessica has deeply grounded me in myself, trusting myself, believing in myself, and has given me a feeling of balance and integrity. I am able to express myself, make aligned decisions, and create the next chapter of my life from my heart.

Claim Your Feminine Energy

Bring the wisdom of the feminine into your everyday life and see the magic that happens.

The Details

What's included in the program

  • The next round of the program kicks off September 9, 2024. It's an amazing way to enter the Fall with practices to nourish yourself.   
  • For 10 weeks, you will receive a new module with a lesson, a workbook, and a practice. Each module is building on each other to create a comprehensive journey.
  • We meet as a group weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pacific time for a live call that includes a ceremony-style guided practice and spot coaching. These calls will be recorded for those who can't make it live or want to listen again.
  • There will be a private Facebook community for sharing your experience throughout the program to be witnessed, celebrated and to ask questions.

The Investment

Your Guide


Jessica Golden

Jessica is an acupuncturist, certified clinical hypnotherapist and an embodiment coach specializing in the rites of passage of motherhood, illness, relationship changes and moments of change. She guides you to use the body has a navigation system so you can create a life that nourishes you, inside and out. She is passionate about connecting women to the well of inner strength and wisdom within themselves in order to restore balance to the world through women's leadership.


  • How does the course work?

    Each Monday you will receive a new lesson on creating deeper nourishment in your body. We are focusing on different areas of the body each week, learning how to care and connect with each aspect of that body part.

    You will receive a video lesson with associated practices to try out throughout the week. We will have a weekly call to do a practice together and where you can receive coaching from me.

    There will also be a private Facebook group to connect and share your journey with the other women in the course.

  • When are the live calls?

    We will meet on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm pacific time for 8 weeks. These calls be recorded and uploaded on the course site within 24 hours.

  • Will I have access to the course long term?

    Yes! You will have lifetime access and as the course continues I will continue add to the resource library.

  • How much time do I need to devote to the course each week?

    This is a change of the orientation of your being so you are actually practicing these philosophies all the time. By asking yourself, "how can I be in more pleasure?" in everything you do. But for the lessons, the practices and the calls, I recommend setting aside at least 3 hours a week to stay up with the course.

  • Will you offer the course again?

    Most likely. I can't promise it will be the same material or the same price. But I can promise I'll continue teaching this material.

  • If I can't make the live call times do I still benefit from the course?

    Yes, definitely.

    The calls will be recorded but even if you just do the lessons and the practices this experience will be transformative.

  • What if I don’t feel ready to dive into my pleasure?

    I’m building this course to be like a sanctuary for you. Feeling into your body is a slow process, it takes some time for the body to unwind and so moving slow is inherent in the work we will be doing.

    You are going to learn many tools but these tools are for you to work with over your lifetime. Adapting, clarifying and shifting them all along the way to best serve you.

    This course is a gentle starting place wherever you are on your path. Because you set the pace.

    And if you just learn how to rest in this course, that is priceless!

  • Is now the right time for me to focus on my nourishment?

    Yes, yes. The answer will always be yes.

    The more we put off feeling good, the longer we go not feeling good! Trust me, I know, I am Queen of, "Well when I finish this I'll take care of myself."

    The time is now. However that looks to you.

    This course provides you a space to feel into what nourishment means for you. The sooner you know, the sooner you can relax into that knowledge.

    Winter is a season of sensuality -- connected with the water element and deep yin. The perfect season to sink deeply into nourishment.

    So instead of the monotony of habit change resolutions that come in the New Year, you can approach it from the feminine way of being: you start to feel really good in your body and the habit you wanted to change just falls into place.

  • Why even do work around pleasure?

    Pleasure "work" is healing work. It's creative work. It's sacred work. It's liberation work.

    A wise dude that I know (my dad) would always say there are many paths to freedom.

    I've explored many of those paths but I've found the work of connecting into myself through the body and therefore connecting to the natural world and everyone in it to be one of the most fulfilling experiences.

    And then there is also these really amazing blissful, ecstatic moments that can come from allowing yourself to feel pleasure.

    Also, it's a weird world out there and living from anxiety, worry, fear or the feelings of separateness, less than, too much or not enough is just not the way.

    Sensuality and connecting to your body reminds you of your inherent worth, your own magic and your connection to the wider world through every tissue, bone and breath of your body.

    It basically supports you to be more you and more in love.